Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Number One Reason That I Support the Healthcare Reform Bill-Pre-Existing Conditions

The Number One Reason That I Support the Healthcare Reform Bill-Pre-Existing Conditions

My mother-in-law has cancer, for the fourth time. She has battled this disease for almost 20 years now. During that time, she and her husband had to worry about losing their jobs and their health insurance. They were not able to switch jobs, for any reason, because you see, the pre-existing condition insurance that would cover her, would be completely unaffordable. She also has high blood pressure and diabetes. My father-in- law has high blood pressure, also a pre-existing condition. So while she was battling over and over for her life, they had to worry that if he or she were to be laid off, they would lose everything.

My siblings and I have children that have been diagnosed with various things like ADHD, asthma, anxiety disorder and autism spectrum disorder. These are pre-existing conditions. Had any of us lost our insurance through job loss, or employers dropping coverage, we would have been bankrupt within months. These diagnoses would follow our children as pre-existing conditions for their lifetimes.

I have a friend who is suspected of having multiple sclerosis. This friend has avoided the doctor, diagnosis and possible life extending medications because, they don’t have health insurance yet. And getting that diagnosis would mean doctor bills and medication they cannot afford and a pre-existing condition when they do go to get health insurance. It would price them out of healthcare indefinitely.

I am a woman, of child bearing age, have had 2 c-sections that saved both the lives of my sons and my own. If I were to become pregnant (God forbid!), I would require yet another c-section as my pelvis is too small to deliver naturally. This, too can be considered a pre-existing condition.

These are the stories within my own circle of friends and family and I’m sure if you think about it, you know someone or are someone that the insurance companies could consider a detriment to their bottom line.

Pre-existing conditions not only can price you out of healthcare, they can deny your claims all together or they can dictate which treatments they will or will not pay for.

In 9 states it is still legal for insurance companies to deny coverage to those who have been victims of domestic violence!

Got hay fever? Allergies? Insurance companies can deny coverage for any breathing related illness including bronchitis and pneumonia.

Not only can they deny you coverage, they can drop your entire family.

While not perfect, the reform changes that. It also limits the amount that the insurance companies can raise their premium rates.

Remember this…There before the grace of God go I. The next time, it could be you.

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